The Little Rosie is an off-grid and mobile application inverter ideal for supporting large appliances such as air conditioning, pumps, or air compressors. Built on the same platform as the Midnite Rosie 7048RE, the Little Rosie’s ability to handle significant overloads means reliable power for even the most demanding equipment.
Monitoring and setup of the Little Rosie is easy with the addition of the Midnite MNGP2 Remote Display Panel. This remote display panel shows information at-a-glance, such as inverter status, load levels, battery voltage and more. Programming settings such as charge voltages, input / output current, and low-voltage shutdowns are accomplished with remote display.
CANBus communication is used for the remote display, and more importantly, for closed-loop communication with Midnite’s Powerflo5 and Powerflo16 LiFePO4 batteries and the Little Rosie. Closed-loop communication simplifies the DC wiring, as it eliminates the need for an external shunt or battery monitor to measure state of charge (SOC%).
The Little Rosie features battery charger backoff and AC support. Battery charger backoff allows the Little Rosie to reduce the amount of current sent to batteries, up to the programmable maximum AC input limit. The Little Rosie’s AC support feature permits current draw from the battery to blend with AC input, sharing the load. These features combined mitigate the chances of overloading an incoming AC connection entirely while ensuring it is fully utilized.
Two terminal pairs (AUX 1+/AUX 1-) and (AUX 2+/AUX2-) can be configured to be inputs or outputs. They can output a DC voltage trigger source for external equipment and accessories such as auto-starting a generator (2-wire signal), a vent fan, diversion loads, or lights. These AUX circuits output 12 VDC at a maximum of 300mA. Various AUX modes provide an optional start-delay and off-delay timer to run a function for a period of time.
When using an inverter with other AC sources such as shore power or a generator, it’s crucial to prevent multiple connections between neutral and ground. To address this, the Little Rosie features a dynamic neutral-ground bonding relay that automatically connects the AC neutral output terminal to ground while operating in inverter mode and releasing this bond when powering loads from an external source. This design ensures that two neutral-to-ground connections do not occur simultaneously, preventing electrical shock hazards and tripping GFCIs.
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